Monday, October 8, 2007

Day Ninety Three - 2nd Time, Failure - Do I Go For 3?

Well October 8th came and went, and just like Sunday did. I have been with chills and fever and my head pounding most of the day, and sweat like crazy all night long. Actually since one month ago on a Sunday night when I stayed up all night because of kidney stones and then doing the same the next night then getting on a plane and going to the wedding of my daughter I can count from about Sept 9th to now as a month that I have done nothing to get this promotion together. Without a computer and Internet most of the time I have been rendered useless for making this project progress along.

In reality, (and no offense intended to the girls)giving birth to this baby has been about as hard as real birth. (Pain included, a couple of bouts with the kidney stones.) And still headed to the Doctor in the morning.

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