Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Look At An Old Book

Today I pulled out an old book. It is almost 50 years old. The binding is a bit tattered, the pages have yellowed and yes, we might think that it is an old book, but for me, there is a lot of interesting information in it. I suppose that more than anything, it is full of many memories. It is my baby book. And I guess it is only about 47 years old, however, when we measure the years of a person it does not seems like many years, but as we look at a book it seems ancient. I have a very vivid memory of when I was 3 years old. I was in the kid's parade of at the Cherry Festival celebrated in June of every year. I was on my little red plastic motorcycle. I can still picture it in my mind. I was put in line and was expected to continue with the procession. But for me it was a race! I pulled out and started to pass everyone as fast as my little legs would push me. Evidently, they thought it was cute because no one tried to stop me and just let me keep advancing as fast as I could. When I got to where the parade turned a corner and went to a little park I was stopped and changed directions or I would have possibly ridden on out of town. I got 2nd place and $2. Now isn't that cool? I was reading about it in this old book.

This was possible because my mom kept a good record of events that occurred many years ago. Now here is where I could turn all this into a great spill about keeping a journal and the importance of it. But I don't want to talk about that, let me just say, keep a journal and someday you'll be glad you did. What I want to write about is old books. Perhaps this is on my mind because of my wife's job. She works for a genealogical society that takes digital pictures of old books to preserve the information contained in them. All that information is put on CDs. There are some very old books that date back to the 1300s.

I also think of a book written about 400 years ago and many of the concepts in it also have value today. It was written by Miguel Cervantes. It is called Don Quixote. And he gives some great lessons about self-esteem. Good stuff.

You may ask, "Why is this important?" Well let me tell you something about There Is No Power In Chaos. Yes, it has taken me the better part of 21 years to write it. Ans I wrote it with the intention that 400 years from now it would be considered a very good book. It has been written to be around for many years. I did not write it to be a flash in the pan and forgotten tomorrow. I have tried to imagine myself 50 years from now, looking back and considering what my contribution would be to better our world. COnCEPT Q, contained in the book is my contribution. It is a way to better one's self. It is a way to improve. And I can see that it will be around for a loooong time. If you haven't read it, please do. I can guarantee that you'll be glad you did. This will also come to be an old book, but one that is not forgotten.

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Visit Back to the Case History

This blog was a challenge simply to make a promise and keep it. Yes there are many good thoughts in it but it takes time to read through it. I have one person though that sifts through finding nuggets of wisdom, but isn't that like life itself? Many good things are not simply out in the open, we have to search for them. There Is No Power In Chaos took me a process of about 21 years to write. It is full of many truths and a formula for happiness. I know that to be true. The main idea has allowed me to act in ways that I even surprise myself. There is a poem that I wrote long before I knew why I wrote it. The wisdom of the poem is inspired. It carries me forward. I cannot express at this point of my journey why it has been me the one chosen to be the keeper of the concept that is explained in the book, but I do feel that it is a sacred responsibility to take it to the world. The opposition to bring it out has been overwhelming. The problems at times have seemed more than I wanted to deal with. But I continue to trudge along. I wish that it would go forward much faster but it seems to have its own time schedule...and I am obliged to follow.

Read on...for as long as I dwell here on earth I must continue to write and continue to expound on a concept that discovers the true power of faith. If there is one thing that I can share with you my reader it is that faith is a power, and that power is associated with happiness, joy, abundance and all other good things of life. If those are things that you seek...then learn to dominate the power of faith. There Is No Power In Chaos will give you a very good understanding of how to do that. I myself continue to learn as I teach, live, and abide by the truths contained within. I continue to become Mr. Faith as I grow my own faith. It may be one of the best books you ever read, but must decide for yourself.