Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day Thirty Nine - Inspiration...but not for me?

I had an interesting experience that I'd like to share. I had left part of Chapter 18 unfinished to so that I could concentrate on the table of contents, notes of the chapters, layout and design (so that it was uniform throughout the book) and a general copy edit of the first 17 chapters. Now that alone takes a lot of time. If you figure 1 hour per chapter that is 17 hours of work by itself. And who can work 17 hours straight and still keep his cabolo (head) from melting down? Not me. Wednesday I had added some material that I thought was pretty awesome but it was something that I had in my head for sometime. Chapter 18 was new to me.

And I still had three blank pages to finish. I went to bed thinking what am I going to put there. I woke up thinking what am I going to put here? I continued to work on other things but then (and I am not even sure how) I was lead to write about something I do not know much about. The chapter is written for teenager / post-teenage young adults. And I suppose as I was seeking something in Internet I came to a page that ask for help from someone that lived near three cities, Sydney, Australia, London, England and Atlanta, Georgia. It ask for someone who could help counsel some teenagers who were seriously considering suicide. The thought came that There Is No Power In Chaos could help them understand many things about that. And I thought also well you have not addressed that particular subject either in the book. And then the still have three blank pages.

I began a little research into the topic of suicide and was frightened by the 2 top webpages that I found, they were scary and gloomy feeling. Both of them with a black background and one with a drippy blood red font. I thought yeah!, If I am contemplating death that is what I want to see! Right! There was some pretty confused information as well. And those were just the first two that I saw! I didn't even have to look hard. Well, I am not sure if it is coincidence or inspiration but it has allowed me to expand COnCEPT Q in a direction I would never have taken it. But then again...the inspiration given may just not be for me...just through me. See you 2morrow.

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